Saturday, 9 March 2013


With Assignment 2 finished, looking over it and understanding each step has calm my nerves about the concept. Initially before I thought it was impossible to do any sort of proof at all but just reading over notes in lecture and other sources in the internet has prepared me or at least given me the scope of what kinds of proofs to encounter in this course. On with algorithm analysis, at first writing down the steps beside each line of code helps in the sense to collect all the familiar steps and to finally make an equation for it. What strikes me difficult is the algebraic expressions in a loop (while) since you may get different expressions than what the solution provides (n....n-1) As always I end up reading the notes after the entire lecture so I may be putting on more pressure than necessary to understand the course material. Having heard that 3 proofs to do in the next term test I feel both relieved and stressed at the same time. Relieved that it only consists of proofs but also stressed because of the fact that I have 3 midterms on the week (they don't call this month march madness for no reason!) It's time to redeem myself after having that horrendous mark on my last term-test.

Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.
 - Albert Einstein

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